Ram Hernandez about the movie

Ram Hernandez - Writer / Director
I n late 2017 I set out to make a feature film deep in the Florida swamps. The film, Swamp Killer was inspired by the incredible works of legendary 70s film icon William Grefe. With a skeletal yet effective crew, I shot a bunch of scenes and put together a concept reel to attract funding. This reel won 14 film festival awards and honors around the globe, including 7 for Best Trailer and a Golden Fox nomination at the Calcutta Int'l Film Festival.
F ailing to raise adequate funding, the project was put aside. After the pandemic subsided I realized we had enough footage to put together a short film. So I crafted a story (as opposed to just a concept), and as of this writing, am in the midst of filming additional scenes to tie everything together. With a planned release date in Fall 2022, this short film will be a springboard to a full-featured film in the next few years.
A bout this film - A film crew making a grindhouse movie deep in the Florida Everglades becomes the target of a murderous freak, dubbed "The Swamp Killer" by the locals. The story follows two brothers' journeys. Ray, the eldest, is a local filmmaker who needs a smash hit soon or he'll lose everything, including his trophy wife and mansion in Coral Gables. This Swamp Killer is pretty much ruining his plans. Ray's younger brother Mikey is a hotheaded biker with a nasty habit of fighting for money. Ray's always getting Mikey out of trouble, but this time it seems like Ray may be the one that needs saving.
T hrills, action, adventure, sexy girls, badass bikers, murder, mayhem and some heart can be expected! All mired within the raw untamed beauty of the Florida Everglades.
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Ram Hernandez
as Mikey

Michael Jacques
as Ray

Nick Simmons
as the Swamp Killer

William Grefe
as Stanley

Steven Brack
as Stevie

Barbara Perez
as Lacy

Chase Gutzmore
as Tim